Biodegradability, non-resistant to fire and weathering condition, large variations in quality, drying, non-availability, etc. are the major challenges faced by the plant biomass, and is gradually more difficult to manage. At the same time, everyday people are becoming more dependent on environmentally friendly biomass materials because of the environmental concerns. My research focuses on developing techniques for increasing the service life of plant biomass materials against the deteriorating agents, production of valuable materials from the waste and lesser/non-used materials, and choosing the right materials at its living condition having the appropriate properties for a particular use and recommend appropriate silvicultural techniques.
Preservation (both pressure and non-pressure process) and drying of biomass (kiln drying, solar drying, steam injection drying, microwave drying, vacuum drying, and high-frequency wave drying) is one of my key research area. In the area of sustainable bioresources utilization, I work on pulping and paper making from different bioresources, particleboard, cement-bonded particleboard, fibreboard, polymer composites, nanobiocomposites, nanobioceramics using jute, bamboo, palm trunk, etc using bio/synthetic resin. Assessing wood quality by the dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEdy) specially for the living trees is another interesting area where I am working for the efficient utilization of bioresoures. I am also working on the characterization of bionanomaterials and its advanced applications. All of my research works have been reflected in my publications.